What You’ll Learn

  • How logical data models relate to requirements
  • Identifying entities and attributes
  • Determining relationships and business rules
  • Data integrity through normalization
  • Learn to create use data models.

Who Needs to Attend

Systems analysts, business analysts, IT project managers, associate project managers, project managers, project coordinators, project analysts, project leaders, senior project managers, team leaders, product managers, and program managers


  • Business Analysis Essentials
  • Requirements Development, Documentation, and Management
  • Use Case Modeling

Introduction to Data Modeling
What is a Data Model.

Data Modeler Role
  • Business Requirement Analysis
  • Development of Data Model
  • Reports
  • Review
  • Creation of Database
  • Support and Maintenance
Components of a Data Model
Data Model Methodologies

Entity-Relationship Model

  • Data Modeling as Part of Database Design
  • Steps In Building the Data Model
  • Identifying Data Objects and Relationships
Read the documents provided by Trainer & google.
Data Modelling Methodology
  • Logical Data Modelling.
  • Physical Data Modelling
  • Logical vs Physical
  • Relational Data Modelling
  • Dimensional Data Modelling
  • Relational vs Dimensional
  • Slowly Changing Dimensions
  • Identifying and Non-Identifying relationship
  • Many2Many relationship and Transform
  • Supertype & Subtype relationship
What is Schema

Schemas in Data warehouse

    • Normalization Concepts (1nf, 2nf, 3nf)
    • Third normal Form
    • Star Schema and its Transformation Restrictions
    • Snowflake Schemas


  • Dimensional Modeling for Data Warehouse
  • Data Modelling Report
  • Logical Data Model Report
  • Physical Data Model Report
Read the documents provided by Trainer & google.
Erwin Features
  • Forward Engineering
  • Reverse Engineering
  • Complete Compare
  • Reoprts Generation
  • Data Model Versioning
  • Overview of all the features
Indexing and Partitioning Concepts using SQL Sever as a DB
Data Process and Managament
  • Data Profiling and Data Quality
  • Reference Data Managament
  • Data Dictionary
  • Data Conversion Techniques
Read the documents provided by Trainer & google.
  • One Business Scenario – Requirement will be provided by trainer, based on requirement student has to to convert the same requirement to model. Trainer will clarify all his/her doubts incase any while creating the model

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